Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Iseeme challenges /


This activity is about you have to inspire you to learn more and try hard each day. I did this activity to show who buld me up more to make me achieve my goals. i learnd alot and I will like people to know who built me up to join things im not popular too. 

I really enjoyed this activity so much because i had to write what inspires me to do things i dont do normaly

Iseeme challenges / Our Ocean


This activity is about we have to write about our ocean. Me and micah worked with eachother. me and Micah learnd alot about our osean.

I think this activity is ejoyable because Me and Micah get to learn about our own culture.

Iseeme challenges / Tasty pasific


This activity is about you have to find a food that relates to your country. Me and micah worked with eachother for this task. Me and Micah picked this because takihi is the nuiean best food for us. I like this task because we had to write about what type of culture food we like and we picked takihi because its tast good.

Iseeme challenges / The rock of niue


This activity is about writing about what you want to learn about your culture. I did this activity because i had heaps of questions about what I wanna learn about my culture (Niue). This activity is really enjoyable because you can talk about your culture on what you wanna learn.

I enjoyed this activity because we had to write what we wanna learn about our culture.

Iseeme challenges / You get everything


This activity is about we had to write about somthing like a story about racism. i did this activity with micah and we learnt alot about racism, racism is when people mock them about where they come from. Micah and I learnd alot about racism. 

I enjoyed this activity because me and micah had to defind about what rasim is.

Iseeme challenges / Pacific book writier


 This activty is talking about this man who became a samoan comic book artist. I worked with Liletina to do this activity. We chose this activity because the samoan comic book artist tells good book stories or when he tells hes story of what made him become a comic book artist.

I learned alot from this activity because it is an exersise definding about this samoan book artiset

Iseeme challenges/ Eyes on prize


I did this activty to show what suports me to join rugby. I play rugby because lots of rugby players make me wanna join rugby so that i can support otheres to join rugby to achieve more of there goals. I chose this activity because its reminds me of rugby players winning a cup award.

I learnd alot from this activity because I had to write about what made me join sommthing I never knew

Iseeme challenges/ Lazy Sneakers- Maia mariner


This activity is presenting sneaker towards to any culture. The yellow shoe is presenting the culture niue and the green one is presenting the pakistan culture and also the red and blue one is presenting  tonga and samoa. I did these culture because it will be nice trying out diffrent cultures on the coulors. I chose jordons because its make the coulore turn out.

I learned alot from this activity because I had to create sneaker by linking to diffrent cultures.

Monday, 16 August 2021

Ancient Olympics

  LI: To skim and scan to find facts about the Ancient Olympics and make notes in my own words.

This week our focus in reading was about the ancient olympics.The ancient olympics started in greek and was inspired to create our mordern olympics nowdays. Using the site prezi we were able to make an intersting presentation about the ancient olympics. We needed to inculed facts, who participated ect. After we completed this presentation we were asked to present our learning to the class. We did this in our inqiury groups.

Here is the link to our presentation.


 LI: To understand what hauora is and what it means to athletes past and present

This week for inquiry our focus was about hauora.Hauora is the Maori belief of your physical and mental health and wellbeing. Hauora is like a house, in order for the house to stand you will need all four walls. They are tapa whanau - family, tapa Hingeroa - emotions and mind, tapa wairoa - religious/belief and tapa Tinana - your physical wellbeing. In this DLO we had to talk about what Hauora would look like if you were an athlete competing in the olympics.

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Water safety

LI- to identify how to swim with out drowning

At school we have swimming lessons, we have been working on water safety on how to swim and how to get into the water and to defind about how many people died in the osean. Me and farzana made DLO of us definding about what water bad and good. we also were talking about what to do when your drowning. water safety is cucial for people in newzealnd because our country is surrounded by water. 

I think this activity is good for people who dont know how to swim it can tech them alot and can make them much better with out drowning. 

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Mindfulness reflection 1

LI: To understand the meaning behind the pause breathe smile program.

This week we had our first session of the Pause Breathe Smile program. Our learning was based on having a calm mindset. We were introduced to this program by first defining what the word mindfulness is. Then we defined it and shared our different definitions with others.

After talking about mindfulness we were introduced to the red zone and the green zone. They are two different zones. The red zone is when you feel stressed,anxious,distracted and others. The green zone is when you feel calm, relaxed, peaceful, curious, clear, balanced, content and engaged.

We were balancing our mind set by forgiving bad things that happened in the past and calming our mind down and focusing on the present. To do this we sat in a circle and listened to the bell while breathing in and out, this helped us relax and focus on positive things.

I enjoyed this session because we learnt about having a positive mindset and about being mindful of others. During this session I learnt how to Pause, Breathe and Smile and calm my mind.    

Friday, 30 July 2021

Current Events

 LI: To find the important information in a current event.

LI: To identify author’s purpose

This week for Reading we learnt about author's purpose. Authors write for a purpose/reason. These reasons are to Persuade, Inform, Explain or Entertain (PIE).First we looked at Kiwi Kids News to find a article. Then, we made a copy of the Current Events DLO and answered these questions:What is the article about?When the article was created?Where was the article was made?Why the author wrote the article?How it was made?Why do you think the author wanted you to learn from the article? I found this activity very intestinbg because i found new thing about it.



Today we had our tech, we were learning about acids and bases. we had red paper and blue paper cutted in dice. we put it in each lyquid witch we had to see if it would change colour. ive learnt alot today beacuse we learnd about liquid that can change things.

Friday, 9 July 2021

Tech- Osmosis and transpiration

Today we have learn about Plants.  We had to find the parts of the plants to see how plants work. we also had to make a google doc to write everything about the plant. We learnt the part of the plants. 

We had to use the ones that were already made so that we can see how our one is gonna be. This activity was to dicover a plant. We wrote all the infomation on the google doc so that we now what we had to do and what we have to be.

We had to wait for our plant to dosolve with the food couloring. We used a beaker, Conical flask, water, food couloring.

(Stomata)Tiny pores on the bottom of the leaves. Absorbs carbon dioxide.

Parts of a plant:





That is the part of a flower.

Ive really enjoyed this activity because we get to identify about how plants work and how they grow.

Thursday, 8 July 2021


LI: To strengthen our connections to Matariki.


Matariki is the Maori new year celebration. It takes places each year when the cluster of stars known as Matariki are seen in our skies. The new year is a time for new beginnings and is a time to embrace tradition.To strengthen our connections to Matariki we had a choice of research activities.

I found that matariki stars come out in the early morning before dawn

I enjoyd this activity because it has a meaning to find about matariki

Friday, 2 July 2021

Tech - Bubbles

LI Your learning goal and outcome

Today we had tech and we were learning about how to make bubbles. We had to make a google doc to show how to make bubbles. . We used straw, beaker, Wand, Bubbles. We tried it out we had to make a caterpilla and other stuffs we were told to do. 

Thursday, 1 July 2021

Vision Board

 A vision board is a DLO about your goals and what you want to achieve. 

For my vision board I added the things that I want to achieve like being headboy and getting a trophy at prizegiving.

This activity can help people who wants a successful future. Also it can help people make their dream come true

 if they put effort into achieving that goal.

I enjoyed doing this task because it can help me to achieve my goals.

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Greek Mythology

LI: To use our smart searching skills to find information about the Greek gods

Today David shared his reading challenge with us. It is all about the Greek gods and helps us to practise the skills we have been learning in our reading lessons with our teachers. David created this task as part of his CARE award challenges. We earn CARE award badges in year 7 and 8 to show that we understand our school values. In this activity we used our smart searching skills to find information to help us complete the table. 

I found this activity fun and enjoyable because we learnt about diffrent kinds of gods and finding facts about the gods. 

The Greek god I found most interesting was hestia because she Maintained fire

Tuesday, 29 June 2021


L.I To use metaphors and the five senses to describe the abstract noun.

Our task was to create a DLO of writing a poem using a  abstract noun. Abstract nouns are things that we can feel but we can't physically touch it.

The 5 senses are sight, hearing, taste, smell and feel. First we had to pick a word from the list. And me and my group choose luxury. After we picked the word, we looked for a structure  in a example of given to us.

After writing the poem we had to make a poem of us describing the word we have picken.

We really enjoyed this activity, because it taught us how to create metaphors and poems, using abstract nouns. 

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Descriptive writing

LI-To understand how to use descriptive words to make your writing mor intresting

Our focus for writing this week was to use descriptive writing, which means using words that are powerful, making your text more exciting to read . We were tasked to work collaboratively in pairs to complete this task. Our task was to describe one of the two pictures that we were given. To make this task easier we would use our prior knowledge of sentence structures, nouns, verbs, adjectives, and descriptive words to create a piece of writing with descriptive words to make the text exciting to read. And has more information to describe a turtal with powerfull descriptive words. 

LI: To consider both perspectives.

We were tasked to read the story about Lake Taupo to understand if the story was fact or story makes sense by saying if the story is true or fake. We wrote our opinion to see that why we picked which side to see if it was right or wrong. We wrote that taupo says according to legend which means it happened but actually is true.

Main Idea

 LI: To identify the main ideas in the text.


First to start off the task we watched a video about how Maui slowed down the sun.After watching the video we wrote down the main ideas that happened in the video into this DLO. After finding the inportant Ideas from that we find the four very important ideas. One of the four very important ideas is that Using the flax for ropes slowed the sun. When you find the four very important ideas we found the three vital idean from the four very important ideas. I found this task fun because when you find main ideans from the text that means that you understand the text throughly.


 LI: To explain in fewer words what the text is about.

For reading, we have been focusing on summarising text information such as stories, articles and other texts. The text we used for this reading task was the traditional Maori story of how the world came to be. We used the summarising DLO to help us write what we think happeneds in the in the story is true. First we needed to find 20 inportant words from the story, then we had to find the 6 most important words from the 20 important words. After doing that we used those six words to make a short story about the story. I found this task intersting because I got to summarise a story in fewer words, meaning I understand what they story is about.

Venn Diagram

LI: To find as many similarities and differences as you can between the video and text of “ The Beginning "

This week for reading we have been focusing on the differences of two types of ways a story can be said. This week we were finding differences and similarities from the video and text from "the Begining". This text was about our group finding things that are different and simaler bewtweeen the too. In the video verison it shows the seperation of mother earth and father sky, and in the written version it's explain the love for the two. I enjoyed this task because I got to see the differneces and similaritites bewtween two storys.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Lever Diagram

LI: To find information about simple machine 

For inquiry we were learning about simple machine.We collaborated in our group to find information about simple machines, there are six types of simple machines. Our challenge was to create diagrams (information picture) to show our diagram, we alo summarised it in 25 words..Simple machines are able to help humans in ways that they, themselves may not be able to. A lever is a simple machine used to lift objects with less amount of force. A lever is a stick that’s able to move backwards and forwards.


 For inquiry we were learning about simple machine.We collaborated in our group to find information about simple machines, there are six types of simple machines. Our challenge was to create diagrams (information picture) to show our diagram, we alo summarised it in 25 words..Simple machines are able to help humans in ways that they, themselves may not be able to. A screw has three main parts, the head, the tip and the threaded shank. It’s also known as an inclined plane with a wedged tip.

Wheel & Axel

 For inquiry we were learning about simple machine.We collaborated in our group to find information about simple machines, there are six types of simple machines. Our challenge was to create diagrams (information picture) to show our diagram, we alo summarised it in 25 words..Simple machines are able to help humans in ways that they, themselves may not be able to. A wheel and axle is a two part machine. First the axle is attached to the wheel so it’s able to move very smoothly


 For inquiry we were learning about simple machine.We collaborated in our group to find information about simple machines, there are six types of simple machines. Our challenge was to create diagrams (information picture) to show our diagram, we alo summarised it in 25 words..Simple machines are able to help humans in ways that they, themselves may not be able to. A wedge is one of the six simple machines. A wedge is also known as an axe. A wedge is also used to stop doors from closing and is able to break things if a lot of force is pushed into the wedge.

Pully Diagram

 LI-to find information about simple machines

For inquiry we are working on simple machines. We created six DLO's about the six simple machines. This DLO is about a simple machine called the pulley. A pulley is a type of simple machine that helps lift an object with less effort used. If more pulleys are used the less effort is used. We created our own drawing of what we see a pulley as.

Inclined plane

 For inquiry we are working on simple machines. We created six DLO's about the six simple machines. This DLO is about a simple machine called the Inclined plane, an inclined plane is An inclined plane is one of the simplest machines.It’s also known as a ramp. A ramp helps your load move  easier to higher levels. We created our own drawing of what we see a pulley as.

This Labled Diagram was fun to work on because we got to learn what the inclined plane is used for.

Friday, 11 June 2021

Class room Expectation

LI: To know what classroom expectations are.

For PB4L we have been talking about what LS2’s expectations were in our classroom. Expectations are set in schools because they help students prepare themselves for their learning.Today we talked about what LS2 expectations are and what we can do to to make sure we know what our expectations are. In LS2, since we are the older kids in the school it is very important to have expectations because the juniors will know what expectations

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Current Events

LI: To find the important information in a current event.

LI: To identify the author's purpose.

 This week for Reading we learnt about author's purpose. Authors write for a purpose/reason. These reasons are to Persuade, Inform, Explain or Entertain (PIE).First we looked at Kiwi Kids News to find a article. Then, we made a copy of the Current Events DLO and answered these questions:

  • What is the article about?

  • When the article was created?

  • Where was the article was made?

  • Why the author wrote the article?

  • How it was made?

  • Why do you think the author wanted you to learn from the article?

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Cinquain Poem

 We have been learning to write cinquain poems to help us strengthen our connections to description. A cinquain poem has 5 lines. Each line has a different purpose. Line 1 is a noun which is a name. Line 2 has 2 adjectives taht describe the noun. Line 3 has 3 verbs that end in ‘ing’ and describe the actions. Line 4 is a noun phrase which is a group of words (not a sentence) that go together to describe the noun. Line 5 is a synonym which is a word with a similar meaning to the noun.

I enjoyed this activity because ive learnt diffent words to match the person move or type.

Reading path way

 This week is book week at Panmure Bridge School, which means every class participates in a number of reading activities. One of our activities was to create a reading pathway that shows how my favourite books have changed over time. At the moment I like reading because it really intresting by reading books that are fun to read and to explore.

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

How to stand up to bulies

Today i completed an activity for my silver cofidence badge. The activity I chosed was how to stick up to bulies & how to be cyber safe. We made a DLO of how to stick up to bulies so that people can know if someone bulies them they know what to do. I tried this activity because it can help alot of people who get bulied so that they can be safe with out being harmed.

Monday, 31 May 2021

Technological practices

 LI: To use technological practices process to design a toy.

For Mrs Fisi’iahi’s Inquiry lesson, we were focusing on the three last technological processes. They were: build, test and evaluate. We used the required materials in order to build the AUV rover. After this, we tested and compared each group’s rover to see which group was able to scramble across the floor the furthest. Evaluating our results was the last step. 

I found this activity intresting because we've used our knowledge & Strength on how to make a rover with matrials.

Friday, 14 May 2021

ATV Challenge

we have been learning about technological practice.  This week we have been learning about the 6 processes of Technological Design and how each one is important in the process of designing a product.We are using the processes of technological practices to  design and build a rubber band- powered rover that can scramble across the floor. I found this activty intresting because we get tolearn more about making stuffs.

Monday, 12 April 2021

Duffy Assembly

LI: To understand how reading can change one's life.

Today we had Marc from Duffy come and talk to us about the importance of reading and how reading can make a big impact on your life.  Although Marc had some challenges in his life he used reading as a tool to get through the hard times.  Marc believes that there is only CANs and not CAN’Ts. I found the words that Marc was saying because it was really amazing because we get to learn lots about him and how he began reading

Key Competencies

 LI: To compare the Key Competencies we think we will use on camp and the Key Competencies we actually used.

Before we went to camp our challenge was to think about when we might use the Key Competencies as we faced the challenges.  When we came back from camp we looked at this and compared how we thought we would use the Key Competencies and how we actually used them. 

I found this activity fun becuse we were learning how to write before camp and after camp. Exaple is like don't talk when teacher is talking after camp is like doing the rihgt thing and listening to the instructor tellis what you should do.

Friday, 9 April 2021

Kokako infographic

LI: To create an infographic using google draw that tells your audience facts about the kokako.

 This week, everyone in LS2 has been given a set of different challenges based on our camp. For this activity we used our smart searching skills to find information about the North Island Kokako bird.

I found this activity enjoyable because we get to find lots of information about the north island bird like the bird is known as a kokako is oftan seen often eating fruits and leaves

Camp photo collage

LI: To create a collage of your camp highlights

This week LS2 have been celebrating our camp. I created this collage to show my time at camp and the activities I enjoyed. To make my collage effective I thought about the size of the images, the angle of the images and I tried hard not to leave any gaps between the photos.

I found this activity fun because we were using photos that we did at camp and making it look pretty.


LI: To a collaborative brochure that tells others why Kokako Lodge is a great place to go on camp

Over the last week everyone challenged themselves during the sessions at archery, high ropes, kayaking, raft building, camp cooking, pancake race and team building/orienteering. Our group collaborated to create a brochure that shows others why Kokako Lodge is a great place to go on camp.

I found this activity amazing because we were learning what the things were and what we like about this activity.

Thursday, 8 April 2021

5 mintes of camp

LI: To recount a 5 minute snapshot of one experience you had at camp

Im terrified!” On the way  up the ladder  I paused for a moment, thinking not to be scared, I couldn't get my head around thinking about how high I am, but at least I had 7 teammates that were cheering me on to not to be scared. I carried on climbing, until my heart was beating fast like a racing car, that my legs were shaking. I was terrified about how my teammates were watching me walking across the log to the other side. 

Me thinking about being high off the ground made me want to throw up, but I didn’t. Parts of me didn’t want to do this but another part of me moved one leg up onto the ladder. Step by step I get closer to the end of the ladder. Looking at the metal staples made my stomach turn anticlockwise. 

Moving up the metal staples one by one motivated me even more to go all the way. I reached the end of the pole and hugged it so tightly that I never wanted to let go. I looked down and saw how high I was. I have never felt more safe in a harness. I started to turn around so I could face the other pole at the other end.

I looked around me and saw trees and how far I was from the ground. I started walking across the beam towards the next pole ahead. I felt like I was walking across lava, reaching the next pole made me so happy that I was ready to walk back half way. I made it halfway and I was ready to come down. I was told but I felt scared because I have to hop off the beam so they can lower me down. I had to face my fears one day so I gathered all my strength and laid back and let the instructor bring me down.

When I came down, I was so proud of myself that I knew I achieved my goals and I overcame my fears.

I found this activity fun because we get to write what we were scared of and how it felt like im scared of heights.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Cybersmart - Tidy drive

 For our cybersmart activity it was for us to clean our dive. First we had given a slide where we had to put it in the exacted order. Exaple john creative writing so we had to put it in the writing folder. We then cleaned our own drive witch we had to put our reading stuff in the reading folder, writing folder, math folder, and cybersmart folder.

We had to use a red circle to identify which files have not been named at all. But you will not be able to file this documents.

Use a blue circle to identify which files have not been named correctly. But you will still be able to file this documents.


Friday, 19 March 2021

Celebraiting the summar learning Journey

 LI- To celebrating our PBS SLJ participants

I really enjoyed the activties set beacause it keeps our learning going over summer. I also enjoyed this activity set by the nano girl. I am so happy that i got a certificate for paticpating in the summar learning journey and also to keep my learning going. Mrs Grant and miss Plae presented prizes. An Amzing Congratulation to Sakshi for being the top blogger, top commenter, and top bloger for manaiakalani.

Thursday, 18 March 2021


  L.I : Learning about why it is important and why is it good to wear the correct uniform. 


For this task , We created an DLO showing about why is it good to wear school uniform , and why is it important to wear school uniform. For this DLO I worked with my group and shared our ideas on why it is important to wear correct school uniform. We also talked about it with our teachers and class mates to help us write more ideas. 

Saturday, 13 March 2021

Summary - Samoan tattoo

This week we were doing a summary about this person called Matalena telling us about samoan tattoos.  Our group had to summarize how  Matalena had her first malu which is a girl  traditional pattern in samoa.

We had given a google slide which we had to summarize about how Matalena got her first tattoo.

My group enjoyed this activity because we got to learn about how Matalena got her first tattoo and why she did the tattoo for.


 This week  the year 7's students had their secound session  of food tech.  We made pancakes and ice cream.  

The ingredients for the pancakes were 1 whole cup of flour, 1Tsp of baking powder, 1 whole cup of milk, 2 eggs, 2 banana

Leitu, Peyton and I enjoyed food tech because we get to make pancakes and also work with our friends and learn how to cook diffrent things that you don't usally cook.

Monday, 8 March 2021

Ko wai ahau?


Fakalofa lahi atu my name is Jay-lee. I am 11 years old. I go to Panmure Bridge School and I am a year 7. I am Niuean and Tongan.  I like to play netball and ripper tag. I like when my dad cooks butter  chicken and curry. My goal for this year is to show respect.

Friday, 5 March 2021


This PB4L DLO it tells you what to do in a emergency like a fire. For this DLO I worked collaboratively with my friends and we helped each other write. This task was fun to do because it will be helpful for people that wouldn't know what to do in an emergency. In this slideshow I tells you about what to do when you want to go out of the class, what to do when the teacher calls the emergency roll and many more important facts that will help you and everyone else stay safe.

Saturday, 27 February 2021


 Today was the year 7 first sesion in tech. The years 7 did food tech wich we made smoothies and fruit salad. The year 7 had to work in 4 or 3 groups to make the smoomthie and fruit salad.

The ingrediens for the smoothie was 2 cups of 2 bannana cut in dices and 2 cups of milk also 1 cup of yogut. the fruit salad was with watermellon, apple, and  kiwi fruit, blueberry.

I realy enjoyed tech cause we get to make food and also be partners with our friend and also learning how to cook diffrent things.

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Kawa of care

  L.I To understand the Kawa or Care to keep our laptops safe.

The three DLO's above show our understanding and knowledge of the kawa of care. For two of the DLO's we needed put the correct words into correct sentences to make sense.  On the first DLO we needed to insert a photo of ourselves. I found it helpful to know the correct way the carry our chromebooks to protect them.

Know your keyboards

 L.I : To learn and understand your keybords and Stay safe online.

The slide above is about being Cyber smart. Cyber smart is a subject that helps you understand how to stay safe on social media, technology and other things. I created this slide with my group to help us understand our keyboards(Shortcuts). We went looking through this site Keyboard Shortcuts to help us make sure we found the correct answers. 



Today me and my group explained what leadership is. We had 4 words to break down and explain, the words were Role Model, Leadership, Team and Responsibility. To be a leader you must have a group. A group is a team that works together. Role model is when you show that you have good behaviour towards others. Team is when you work collaboratively with others in a positive way. Responsibility is when you take control of someone. Something that we found interesting was that you don’t have to be a leader to lead a group.

Friday, 12 February 2021

Why it is important to be hydrated

 L.I To understand why staying hydrated is important for our health and for our learning.

The DLO showing above was created by my group.My group created this DLO by finding different type of 

information and facts about being Hydrated and Dehydrated. My group created this by sharing our ideas  and

working collaboratively . Hydrated means drinking heaps of water which helps you stay focused. 

Being dehydrated means feeling dizzy, having headaches and not focused. Did you know that drinking a lot of

Water helps your body and also helps you stay healthy. We also found images that connects to the text so that it

could also help yourself and others what we’re talking about and to understand more about what we’re learning in

our Inquiry task.

Thursday, 11 February 2021

Pie gragh

 In this maths session we had chose four questions to ask people to answer. Exaple what is your favorite sports.

We had to put the student answer in a piece of paper. Then we  had to chose one question out of the four question to use for the graph we made. Next we had to put the data on a pie chart. After that we had to created a summary of the data that we recorded.

Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Summary of Te Tiriti o Waitangi

 LI: To explain in fewer words what's the text is about . 

 This week for our task for reading was about completing a summary of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in our group by collaborating . I worked with Kqwizan and we both combined our ideas to complete our summary of Te Tiriti o Waitangi , Something we found interesting about learning about the Treaty of Waitangi was learning about what happened of the background of The Treaty of Waitangi .An example of what happened with the Treaty of Waitangi in the past is that after the Maoris thought that the British signing the treaty not knowing the British wanted to steal their land ,So now the Treaty of Waitangi is known to be signed to bring peace between the Maori's and Pakeha.