Tuesday, 28 May 2019

understanding inferring better

L-I to infer (figure out ) information from clues in a text.

Today for reading we had to understand inferring better .

What is inferring 

inferring is when u see a book that has picture and use our prior knowledge to make connections to the clues in the text to help us infer. 

Friday, 24 May 2019


today i comment on afatia blog post about when she went to the stardome with her class.


L.I To talk about informal and formal.
Informal speech means casual conversation vocabulary. Formal speech is usually using manners while in conversations. Formal speech is used when you are talking to somebody who has a higher rank than you, like either the king or queen. In that situation you would more likely use Formal speech. Informal speech is used normally everyday. You probably use Informal speech when you are talking to your friends etc.
We had to write down 5 informal and formal speech for a situation. We had to write the informal and formal ways of speaking in a sentence. This helps us when we are commenting or giving feedback. After you had done writhing your formal and informal.

Basic facts

LI: to remember basic maths facts.

today for Basic facts we had to do a timer for as to see who can do a lower second but i got 2m 10s i am telling the truth it is on to u can see my picture,


L.I Doing things without being asked.
This week we went to kiwi can and we went to there to have fun and leran about kiwi can we went there and weplay two game and they were fun games we had to go and we had to start tot play we played pass the thing and for tha we had to pass around keys and we had to try andnot let the      middle person find it and we had to pass it around the person that gotpick hadto go inthe middle every if they did not have the keys and then we ahd to leran about what is Responsibility and we had to leran about it and then we had to go onto the nextgame and that was a games that you had to see if you can go and try and go to the window with not droping the ball and you then hadto go around and try not to drop the balll and then we had to play game that we will away play and then we did the pionts and then wewent back to class.

SSR selfie

LI: to summaries and retell a text.

To learn how to read and make lots of information of the book and u can see my book and my information of my book


LI.to learn about patriarchate fairies and geography of Arrogate.

Patriarchate are fairies that live in forest,in dark and in shadows and comes out at night.
They have powers like magic,they are strong and can play musics.
The patriarchate hide in the day time because the sun will destroy them.We learn about Aotearoa and patriarchate by listening to the story of Engage and searching for information,using Google slides.

kiwi sports

LI: to develop body movements of balance, rotation and strength
We first started off by playing Tag but we had to navigate around in specific ways like hop around with one leg. We then did some stretches. We did the L - Shape, Seal, Butterfly, Cat, Straddle.

We then did another rotation. But some of the activities were different.
Rotation One: There was a beam to walk backwards on then do a little jump, tips Coach Steven gave us was not to look back because it would ruin the balance, and tap the surface to see if you've walked it. We also had to cartwheel across or along a line. Lastly there was another beam we had to do a forward roll on. We had to do a dive roll which was front rolling off the stage. We then had to do bunny hops on a beam.

Rotation Two: There was a trampoline to jump on and we had to go as high as possible then land, then front roll. We then had to do a backwards roll. After we had to do scorpion handstands, then a full handstand, and a tuck handstand. Lastly jump of a board and do a 180 spin in the air.

Rotation Three: We had to do a handstand on a wall on bars. We then went on bars held ourselves on it. Next there were parallel bars and we had to hold our touching our bottoms then swinging. Lastly there was a beam and we had to do a Front, Back, and Side Support rotation.


L-T To solve Addition questions and attempt subtraction using place value on a number line.

 today we are learning about number line and number line mean we have to fill in the number in 1's 2;s 3; .


 one or two sentences that tell us what is going to be made or done 

day and night

LI: To gain an understanding of the distances between the sun and the planets.

for inquiry we had to say what is  the earth is close to the sun  but Mercury is the narrears planet near the sun but eath is gold  lox  because  it has right hot and cold .


L-I to infer (figure out ) information from clues in text .

To today  we had to infer pictures and look at the pinches and write what u can see on the pictures.
u can see what i wrote on top were there are slids and u can see what the pictures are and  comment and say that what u see on a picture .

Thursday, 23 May 2019


L.I Talking about space.
We went to stardome to talk about space what what is space. First we went in to the room were there were lost of chair and space thing after we take about space thing we had yto get into are group of 4 in my group there were Ong,hosea, angelica, shiney we got and i paid that had question we had to go around and look and find the pitch of what on the iPad and look for the right answer after every one has answer all the question they had to give there iPad back and then we went into the movie thing that had chair that were moving and there was and thing that look like and bubble that went over our heard and after that the light went off and it was dark we stand in the trees and the movie stared and it was all about space on the screen it was telling as there were more then one planet in the solar system after we watch the light come back on and and we all had to put our chairs went up and we went our t of the stardome and on to the bus.

Thursday, 16 May 2019

procedural text

LI: to write instructions starting with verbs.

This week for writing  we had to follow the instruction by watching a video  and u can see it on bottom  .
iv'e wrote the information about the instruction u can see how to make a shrimp ceviche.
look at the first one the first one is cut the lime ,second one is squeeze the lime and third one is ,put the lime juice in the shrimp and u can see what is after the third one comment.


L-I  to develop body movement of balances betation & strength.

Stretches -L shape ,seal shape ,butterfly,back front side support .

Rotation - bean-back word box,cart wheel,bench forward roll.

Rotation -
tramlines ,star fish, back roll 1 keg/scorp had stayed half 180' jump .

Rotation -
hand stand front supports paralle  bars back /side/front  Rotation.

Rotation -
what was different

it was hard to do the seal shape and the butterfly.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019


L-I to learn about patupaiarehe fairs and the geography of Aotearoa.
Patupaiarehe are fairs that live in mountain. And have magic powers like super strength and chaining people in patupaiarehe.
The patupaiarehe  we learnt about today live on mokoia  mountain.
we learnt about patupaiarehe and Mt mokoia by listening to the story  of ihenga and searching for information ,and using google maps .


L-I To use integrity and honesty .

staying honest  is not always easy , but telling the Truth or help a friend to  tell  the truth must be done 
we played a drama  activity to show people emotions in different situation like when a lie is told or when it gets spread 
around your family or friends.  

Sunday, 12 May 2019

Basic facts

LI: to remember basic maths facts.

This week for Basic fact this is a math challenge i got 3 minutes and 30 seconds and got one wrong


L-I To make people keep up by doing lot of work .

Today i did a comment on juel blog post
i said i might be interesting to look at his book  and read i

SSR selfie

LI: to summaries and retell a text.

Today for SSR selfie I've have reading this book and look where there are information about my book .
i read this book in my room for 2 minted.

space travel

LI: To find, select and record facts then share and discuss collaboratively to build a complete jigsaw

This week we had to learn about space and what it is about it. Look at my slide on the top that says planets jigsaw u can see or the names of the planets and the information  of it .

What is Jupiter 
And my teacher gave as a planets to talk about it and find information.
And my planets was called Jupiter .
The first thing i now about Jupiter it is the 5th position from the sun.
And the second one it is 588 day to take to orbit sun.
And what Jupiter looks like it thick red brown yellow and white clouds/
And the last one is what is Jupiter good at.
Jupiter is the fastest spinning planets in the solar system

if you want to see more about planets look at the slide on top.   

Friday, 10 May 2019


LI: To learn about your text.

Today for writing we had to do some reading and to find out what your book and the information look in my google slide an you will now what i am talking about


  L-I Place value houses. How does it work.
LI Solve addition and Subtraction equations

Today for math we had to do a place value house we had to explain what is a place value and how to make a number by using any number in hundred and tens and ones.

but for my place value i used 2 hundred 3 ten and 3 ones and my answer was 136.

i worked with Angelica and Marcaiyla and Liane and me we did a video about our number .

Thursday, 9 May 2019


LI: to write instructions starting with verbs.

Today for writing we had to explain how to make a airplane.

I wrote a procedural text i did steps about how to make a airplane by using verbs .

What is verbs .
verb is a action word.

kiwi sports-Gymnastics

L-I To explain our Gymnastics silks.

warm up - stretches to make sure we were flexible and would't injury ourselves.
- L shape
-Back/Front/ Side support
- Seal
L shape .
How to do a L shape.  lay your bottom on the floor stretches your leg out and put your hands in the air.

Back/front/side supports.
Next how to do back front and side supports. lie on your stamick put your hand near your chest and put your leg out

Wednesday, 8 May 2019


L-I To defied what is Honesty .

Catchphrase -  Talk to me, Truthfully, That is called  Honesty, Honesty
Role play/Skit - In groups we were given a situation about honesty.                                                                       We needed to act out by showing how to be honest. The situations were Cheating,Wallet,Window,Change.In my group there was me Elaario Te Raumauti  Deanne Aliqwa David. In our group we had to act like someone break the window and told the person the truth that they break the window. 

patupaiarehe and the mountain

L-I To learn the geography of Aotearoa. 
L-I To identify what patupaiarehe are .

Mount maunganui is a mountain  in tauranga.
The hunua and waitakere rangers are mountain in Auckland .
Pautupaiarehe are fairies that lived on these mountain in Maori myths .

I learned about the pautupaiarehe and mountain  by listening to two stories , The legend of mauao
and the turehu  wars  .
I learned where the mountain are by looking on google maps 

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Reading/Non-ficition predilection

Today for reading we had  to talk a little bit of my book and  information .we had to do a video about any

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Two steves

how to make a bat bookmaker

                                  L.I  To identity the structure of a procedural text[Parts of a procedural text.

This week for writing i learnt a new word it is procedural.procedural has a oppsite  word it is instraction .

The legend of Mt Maunganui

The legend of MT maunganui tell as how MT maunganui got dragged to its current place.
Whaea odie read us a story of MT maunganui we used google map to find the place in the legend .
We used google Docs to remind us of the maori words.