Thursday, 29 August 2019


this week i comment on angelica blog post for her reading  and i said  you need to fix some of  her sentence  but she did good on the google slide.


On Wednesday  28 august we had inter school netball.My team won 2 times and lost one from  paramerl school and we won 2 time we bet pt England school  and  bet stonefelds school.The hard school that was good was paramel school but we lose by them but it was fun tho.The fun thing that i did was having fun and playing and having good times.


LI to learn what is a pulley.
this week we did inquiry and our inquiry was about pulleys.what we had to do was we had to get a 1 string and a  2 stick pole. what we had to do with the 2 stick pole and the 1 string then 1 of our partner had to hold one of the stick poles and 1 person in the middle pulling theme  in then we  change it then we had to  roll 2 around the stick pole then we had to pull it.

SSR selfie

LI to learn how to read.
today i did SSR selfie and my book was about morning bath,My book was about morning bath and t was about when Mr porter went to work late because he stayed in the bath long so the boss told Mr porter put some wheels on the bath so  Mr porter can't be late. 


LI to learn how to draw shapes and put perimeters and area.
today for my maths i did perimeter.what i learnt is drawing shape and checking if we put perimeter and area right.What we had to do was that we had to get a paper with different shapes and figure out the perimeter and the area and that what we had to do.   


LI to learn water safety   
this week for swimming  we did streamline with board,Long legs under water,On back with board,Rotation,Swimming on backs,Straight like a pencil,Arms still,Skulling.
how we did the first one was streamline with the board how we did it was that we had to get a board and put it straight and put our head down and make our bodies be like a pencil.The second one was long legs under water.The third one was on our back with board.There are more on the top.

describing thing

LI to learn how to describe picture.
This week for writing we are doing describing thing.The thing i learnt was learning about how to describe things.What we had to do was that we had to  describe the picture that is on the slide and say word and making sentence.

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

What question/Reading.

LI: to answer what questions about a text.
Today for my reading i did what question.what i learned was answering what question.
what we had to do was that my group and the huskies group had to answer 1 question every slide.
the favourite thing that i liked about my rending is that my group had to answer1 question on every slide.

Friday, 23 August 2019


LI to give feed back to people

today i comment on angelica blog post i comment on her reading one and i said hi angelica today I've been reading your blog post but i pick this one because it  got good information keep it up.


LI to write a quick persuasive speech

today for writing i did a video of remembering out my persuasive speech and my speech was about netball.What i learned was that it was my first  time saying me speech out to my writing group.
after when we were saying our speech i got 1,1,2 but i tried my best at saying my speech.


LI To learn about what is a Area and Perimeter.
this week  for our maths we had to use a google draw then we had to make perimeter and see what is a perimeter and that  means that area.We had to do is that we had to make perimeter and then we ahad to see what is a perimeter bye using it by that shape.then we had to put arrows to show what we made with a perimeter in to shapes.     


LI; How to save someone.
this week for swimming my coach was Livy's. My coach taught as water safety we had to save someone with a noodle and my partner was Farzana i had to rescue her with a noodle  then she had to save me.
The first thing we did was the water safety entrants.
The second thing we did was the stream line.
The third thing we did was  rotation.
The fourth thing we did was diving. 

Thursday, 22 August 2019

SSR selfie

this week for SSR selfie.My book was about EJ12 book.The thing i learnt is Emma was standing underneath the netball goal,the character that i liked in this book was Emma and and Elle

Wednesday, 21 August 2019


LI: To cope with the challenge.
This week learning at kiwi can was all about how you or someone else can cope with a challenging task. Their were four challenge's, for each group. First challenge was writing the alphabet backwards. The 2 challenge was doing Five each of sit ups,burbles,squats,push ups. The 3 challenge was matching the maori words to the English colour names. The last challenge was coming up with new actions for the catch phrase.

Group People : Joshua,peyton,shinaye,Bella and me.

Energiser : Rats and Rabbits.

Catch Phrase : Kiwi Can say control your self never shout kiwi can over and out.


LI;to apply the print design rules.
today we are doing cybersmart what we had to do was that we had  is that we had to fix the poster of Naruto then we had to fix the layout,colour,text,and composition we had to fix the posters.

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

main idea bank

LI: to summaries a book using the main ideas.
today we are doing main idea bank then we had to read the book and find key word and the slide we had to find keyword and make keywords in to sentens.

speeches finals 2019

This Tuesday twelve lucky students from each class got to present their own speeches and poems in front of the whole school. We also had a visitor that judged the students from tamaki collage. The year 1 - 3 did a recital and the year 4 - 8 did a persuasive speech. My favorite poem was Micaela's poem about humpty dumpty. The reason why I picked her is because how she used her voice to speak loud and how she had the confidants as a year 1. My other favorite speech was Mele's. I also like her speech because she has the enthusiasm and she has the confident to speak.

writing/basic speech

LI;to write a quick persuasive speech. this week we did our speech in front of my writing group and my speech was about netball.what i learnt about persuasive speech is a persuasive speech is a specific type of speech.what we had to do is that we had to pick a topic between movie,sport,character,food and outer stuff but i pick netball we had to read our persuasive speech and remember all of it then we had to say our speeches in front of my writing group then my teacher had to rate my persuasive speech but i got 1,1,2.

inquiry/ incline plain

LI; to learn about what an incline plane is. today for inquiry we did incline plain.The thing i learnt about incline plain an incline plain ,also known as a ramp is a flat supporting surface. what we had to do was that we had to make a copy of this slide on the bottom then we had to get a car then we had to test the car going on a ramp high low and see if it can go fast we used a cardboard to see if it can go any way like low high medium our on the floor but when i put the cardboard on the floor the car did't go fast like when we put it up high then it well go fast but it not like that.

Friday, 16 August 2019


LI: to learn how to comment on a person blog post.

Today i  comment on charlize blog post and it was about inquiry i said i ike how you did your inquiry and i like your blurb.keep it up.

inquriy,lever,wheel axle.

LI: to learn about wheel and axles and lever
 LI: to learn about wheel and axles and lever
today we did inquiry i learn wheel axle and lever.
what we had to did is that we had to go on the slide and we had to make  a car go go fast but what if a car has no wheels what would do? i will just walk.And for our lever we had to get a stick then we had to find something to put under  the stick or on top of the stick but my group use a book. then we had to make a fan out of paper.


LI; to learn what is area and perimeter.
last week we did 3D shapes and 2D shapes but know we are doing perimeter  what we had to did is that we had to do 5 shapes in our maths book and we had to see how many sides then we had to say like 3 sides and 13 side so we had to do 3+3+13+13= is 32 then we had to times it like 3x13= is 39 so after we did  does 5 shapes we had to do the same thing. 

Thursday, 15 August 2019

swimming,kiwi sport

LI; to learn water safety.
today we went swimming and my swimming teacher was livv's and we did. 
  • Streamline
  • Floating on back with floaty board,Keep body straight,Long arms,Board next to knees,Kicking on back with board,Rotation with board. The fun thing that i did was rotation with a board what we had to do is that we had to get a board and we have to put the board near your stomach and our arms straight and then float.

persuasive speech

 LI; to write a quick persuasive speech.
today we did persuasive speech  i learn that persuasive speech is something that we do speeches and talk about any thing like movies,sport,food,dessert,charterer, but i pick a sport and it was netball.And the fun thing that i like in netball is defending and running and taking a sh in a hoop. 

Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Print Design Rules

LI;to identify the four areas of print design.
For cybersmart we did print design rules what i learn  is layout and composition  colour and text  what a text is something you have written and colour is  something like the combinations of colours to make media look appealing or easy to understand and layout is the arrangement and alignment of the elements that go on a medium and the last one is composition and composition is the elements (parts) that go on a poster or other media.what we had to do on this slide is that we had to do is that we had to do putting slides were it spottily.


LI; to learn resilience.

For kiwi can our theme was resilience and our topic was self control and self  discipline and our activity was roll play and our enagizer was rabbit rat how we played rabbit rats is that we had to get in partner and we had to get in lins one line in the yellow cone and the re cone what we did with the cone our kiwi can leader gave as cones and we had to put the cone n the middle of as and our teacher said if he says toes we have to get the cones he said head shoulder knees and head toes then we have to get the cones and i one and i was in the finals i had to vs this girl and her name was Te raumati and she one.How  we played roll play we had to get in groups and our kiwi can leader gave as a card and we had to act it out but my group had to act like when a teacher tells someone to in charge as but we were nosie and loud.

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

main idea bank

LI; to identify the main idea in a book.
today i learned about main idea what we did was that we chose a book from sunshine classic but my book was the little yellow chicken what we had to do on this slide is that we had to read that book the we chose from sunshine classic and we had to find keyword  after finding keyword we had to make sentence with the keyword. 

Friday, 9 August 2019

maths 3D

LI; to create a cube.

today we made cube and a pyramid  and what we did to make a cube and a pyramid is that our teacher gave  as a paper of dots to make a cube and pyramid. what i learned was how to make a3D shape out of paper like a cube and a pyramid

Thursday, 8 August 2019


LI;  to learn what is salfty

i practise  at swimming and my swimming teacher was livv's what we did was that we had to do Starfish floating with noodle,Floating on back with noodle,Push stomach up,Sculling hands,Pencil dive.
The Favorited thing that did was pencil dive and push stomach up.

persuasive speech

LI;to write quick persuasive speech

today for  writing we did persuasive what we didi was that we had to pick a sport movie and i pick netbal we had to do a task about that sport

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

The main idea

LI;to identify the Main idea in a book.

for reading was about main idea bank.what is a main idea? a main idea is something like making a topict.what we did is that we had to pick a book and we had to read the tiger we had to read the book  and find keywords and make the the keyword in to a sentence we had to work in our groups.the favorite thing i like about my reading was making keyword in to sentence.


LI;to learn about emotions and how they affect people.

Some emotions i learn were sadness .mad,and happiness.
 happiness can make people laugh.
we learned about the affect of emotions by acting.

Monday, 5 August 2019

sunshine classics

Image result for the little yellow chicken

LI; to read the book and learn about the book.

today we did sunshine classics what book i did on sunshine classics was the little yellow chicken. About this is that  the little yellow chicken when the chicken ask his freind if we could have a party but the chicken ask all his friend if they could help him to set it up but the chicken did all the work but when the chicken was finsh every thing the chicken  went out side to his freinds and said nothing  but the chicken was scared to let them come in but the chicken called the red hen but the hen said dont let them in then the chicken said to his friend welcome to my party  then all his freind said fantastick.

after that we had to do the activty about that book.

Thursday, 1 August 2019


LI; to now what they explain what they are talking about.
this week i comment on angelica cybersmart  and I said I like what you did for your cybersmrat and i will like to know more information and i said keep it all up and i ask what is cybersmart?


LI; to write persuasive text.
This week we did a challenge if a tennis ball is better then a high bounce ball. so we had to comment and say what ball do u like because we went outside and played with a tennis ball and a high bounce ball.But I pick the tennis because it is easier to see and easier to bounce back.

motat trrip

LI; to learn some stuff from the mind lab.

yesterday we went to motat  we had to get in to  groups and my group went out first and we explored                          around motat. the thing that we looked around was all about the olden days. the favrit thing was going on a trapalin but some groups get to go on a tram. after my group explored around motat we came back  and we made electric cars with a fan the person who thech us was kenzy and our other techer was emma she told us how to make a electric  lego thing to make the light to turn on but i don't know what it is called that modoer.


LI; to know how to swim.

Today we had swimming.  my swimming teacher was livvy and we did Floating on back with and without a board ,Kicking with arms forward on board Moving underwater.

not like the others

LI: to identify the main ideas.
This week for reading was about main idea.what does main idea mean? main idea means talking about the same topic. is we played a game called not like the others how to play was that we had to read a sentences about that story and had to high light the not belong sentence. Then we had to finish all off it and we had to click on the answer if it was right or not right.

math 3D shape

LI; to now about the shape

 today i made DLO about my math. we did  3D shape and 2D shape we use tooth picks and blue tack to make 3D shapes and 2D shapes.we had take a photo of the shape and say what the name is and we had to see were the face is on that  shape.