Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Iseeme challenges /


This activity is about you have to inspire you to learn more and try hard each day. I did this activity to show who buld me up more to make me achieve my goals. i learnd alot and I will like people to know who built me up to join things im not popular too. 

I really enjoyed this activity so much because i had to write what inspires me to do things i dont do normaly

Iseeme challenges / Our Ocean


This activity is about we have to write about our ocean. Me and micah worked with eachother. me and Micah learnd alot about our osean.

I think this activity is ejoyable because Me and Micah get to learn about our own culture.

Iseeme challenges / Tasty pasific


This activity is about you have to find a food that relates to your country. Me and micah worked with eachother for this task. Me and Micah picked this because takihi is the nuiean best food for us. I like this task because we had to write about what type of culture food we like and we picked takihi because its tast good.

Iseeme challenges / The rock of niue


This activity is about writing about what you want to learn about your culture. I did this activity because i had heaps of questions about what I wanna learn about my culture (Niue). This activity is really enjoyable because you can talk about your culture on what you wanna learn.

I enjoyed this activity because we had to write what we wanna learn about our culture.

Iseeme challenges / You get everything


This activity is about we had to write about somthing like a story about racism. i did this activity with micah and we learnt alot about racism, racism is when people mock them about where they come from. Micah and I learnd alot about racism. 

I enjoyed this activity because me and micah had to defind about what rasim is.

Iseeme challenges / Pacific book writier


 This activty is talking about this man who became a samoan comic book artist. I worked with Liletina to do this activity. We chose this activity because the samoan comic book artist tells good book stories or when he tells hes story of what made him become a comic book artist.

I learned alot from this activity because it is an exersise definding about this samoan book artiset

Iseeme challenges/ Eyes on prize


I did this activty to show what suports me to join rugby. I play rugby because lots of rugby players make me wanna join rugby so that i can support otheres to join rugby to achieve more of there goals. I chose this activity because its reminds me of rugby players winning a cup award.

I learnd alot from this activity because I had to write about what made me join sommthing I never knew

Iseeme challenges/ Lazy Sneakers- Maia mariner


This activity is presenting sneaker towards to any culture. The yellow shoe is presenting the culture niue and the green one is presenting the pakistan culture and also the red and blue one is presenting  tonga and samoa. I did these culture because it will be nice trying out diffrent cultures on the coulors. I chose jordons because its make the coulore turn out.

I learned alot from this activity because I had to create sneaker by linking to diffrent cultures.

Monday, 16 August 2021

Ancient Olympics

  LI: To skim and scan to find facts about the Ancient Olympics and make notes in my own words.

This week our focus in reading was about the ancient olympics.The ancient olympics started in greek and was inspired to create our mordern olympics nowdays. Using the site prezi we were able to make an intersting presentation about the ancient olympics. We needed to inculed facts, who participated ect. After we completed this presentation we were asked to present our learning to the class. We did this in our inqiury groups.

Here is the link to our presentation.


 LI: To understand what hauora is and what it means to athletes past and present

This week for inquiry our focus was about hauora.Hauora is the Maori belief of your physical and mental health and wellbeing. Hauora is like a house, in order for the house to stand you will need all four walls. They are tapa whanau - family, tapa Hingeroa - emotions and mind, tapa wairoa - religious/belief and tapa Tinana - your physical wellbeing. In this DLO we had to talk about what Hauora would look like if you were an athlete competing in the olympics.

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Water safety

LI- to identify how to swim with out drowning

At school we have swimming lessons, we have been working on water safety on how to swim and how to get into the water and to defind about how many people died in the osean. Me and farzana made DLO of us definding about what water bad and good. we also were talking about what to do when your drowning. water safety is cucial for people in newzealnd because our country is surrounded by water. 

I think this activity is good for people who dont know how to swim it can tech them alot and can make them much better with out drowning. 

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Mindfulness reflection 1

LI: To understand the meaning behind the pause breathe smile program.

This week we had our first session of the Pause Breathe Smile program. Our learning was based on having a calm mindset. We were introduced to this program by first defining what the word mindfulness is. Then we defined it and shared our different definitions with others.

After talking about mindfulness we were introduced to the red zone and the green zone. They are two different zones. The red zone is when you feel stressed,anxious,distracted and others. The green zone is when you feel calm, relaxed, peaceful, curious, clear, balanced, content and engaged.

We were balancing our mind set by forgiving bad things that happened in the past and calming our mind down and focusing on the present. To do this we sat in a circle and listened to the bell while breathing in and out, this helped us relax and focus on positive things.

I enjoyed this session because we learnt about having a positive mindset and about being mindful of others. During this session I learnt how to Pause, Breathe and Smile and calm my mind.